Injured Pup Was Begging People To Stop Ignoring His Cries For Help After He Was Thrown In The Streets
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Injured Pup Was Begging People To Stop Ignoring His Cries For Help After He Was Thrown In The Streets

It’s heartwrenching to think about all the canines who never had the chance to feel true love.

A lovely pup, later named Runji, was one of them.

He was a guard dog at a factory. Although he was chained up, the canine greeted workers with a wagging tail and a wide smile on his face every morning.

Sadly, one day, Runji suffered an accident. He fell from a high place and got hurt. Since he couldn’t move, the heartless security staff kicked the dog out on the streets.

Unable to fend for himself, Runji was lying in the streets for days, enduring hunger and thirst.

He looked at the passersby with pleading eyes, hoping that they would lend him a helping hand.

A Kind Human Jumps To Runji’s Aid

Realizing that the people kept ignoring him, the hope in Runji’s heart began fading.

Fortunately, three days later, a man who lived near the factory noticed him and immediately contacted the rescuers asking for urgent help.

Upon receiving the call, the good humans rushed to Runji’s side. They felt utterly sad to see the heartbreak in his eyes.

The rescuers petted the pup and reassured him that they would help him.

Runji surrendered to them and the crew put him in the car.

During the entire ride to the clinic, the pup remained silent. He kept thinking about everything he had been through.

The rescuers tried to offer him comfort, knowing that he needed time to forget his hardships.

After they brought Runji to the clinic, the vet ran the necessary tests and gave the dog a complete medical checkup.

He was diagnosed with measles and pneumonia.

Due to the accident that he suffered, Runji had a torn cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) in his hind leg and he needed to undergo minor surgery.

Fortunately, since an X-ray showed that Runji didn’t have any injuries to his spine, the doggo was expected to make a full recovery.

Since the canine was skinny, the vet put him on a special feeding schedule.

The Doggo’s Journey To Full Health

Runji was hospitalized and the vet team started treating him.

The staff took care of him and lavished him with attention. His rescuers visited him often and gave him a lot of love.

Having noticed that both his caregivers and the rescuers cared about him, Runji’s broken heart began healing. He knew that he was loved.

Every time the pup saw the good humans approaching his crate, he would get up and wag his tail. The pup was happy to see them.

Two weeks later, Runji was allowed to go outside for a walk with his rescuer.

Because the doggo still had measles, he needed to avoid coming in contact with other dogs, so his hero took him on walks in the evenings.

As Runji walked along the streets, he couldn’t contain his joy. The canine kept smelling every plant.

Since he was neglected and chained up while he was kept as a guard dog, Runji was denied many simple joys in life. Now, he is discovering the beautiful world outside the factory.

The doggo decided to forget the past and focus on his health.

Little by little, Runji began thriving and blossoming into a handsome boi.

He underwent a minor ligament surgery and his leg healed.

After being treated for months, Runji recovered completely and he was discharged from the hospital.

The pup said goodbye to his caregivers and went home with his rescuer. His eyes twinkled with hope and joy. He was excited about his new beginning.

The doggo felt cherished and he knew that his hero would never abandon him.

Runji now lives a life filled with happiness, thanks to the kindness and compassion of a man who helped him.