Newborn Puppy With A Broken Leg Was Dumped In Trash But Then His Luck Changed For The Better
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Newborn Puppy With A Broken Leg Was Dumped In Trash But Then His Luck Changed For The Better

If only there was a way to help all of the stray pups and prevent situations where they end up living in horrible conditions.

That’s just wishful thinking, though. The world is a lot more complicated than that, and there is no way we can just snap our fingers and solve this problem.

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t do our part. If humans started individually helping by reporting stray dogs in need to the right authorities, we could all make a drastic impact.

It could help reduce this problem, and the only way is by making the first step. For example, this newborn puppy was abandoned and struggling to survive, but his rescuers were quickly there to save him.

A Long Healing Journey

When the rescuers found this adorable newborn puppy, he was just lying in a pile of trash. They examined him to make sure he was okay before they took him to the clinic.

They found out that he had a broken leg and his umbilical cord was still attached. This was horrible news, but there was still hope so long as they reacted fast.

He was immediately transported to the clinic where the veterinarians started their examinations and figured out a way to save the puppy.

They found out he had hypothermia and hypoglycemia, and the umbilical cord was cut improperly.

The veterinarians fed him through a syringe and were able to get him stable. They made a splint to immobilize his broken leg so he was not in too much pain.

Given that his leg is necrotizing, there is a good chance that the veterinarians will have to amputate it, but we are not sure yet.

Learning all of this information was absolutely heartbreaking. It’s hard to imagine why anyone would do this, but the world is filled with cruel people who don’t have any empathy for dogs.

The puppy’s rescuers are looking around the area to see if anyone knows anything about his previous owner, but there have been no results so far.

A Difficult Treatment

After a few days, the veterinarians realized that a part of his broken leg had fallen off, and this was not great. He was risking a stone infection, so they placed him on antibiotics immediately.

While there was no guarantee it would help, they were doing everything in their power to help him recover.

Because the puppy, now named Sushi, was too young, it was impossible to do surgery on him at that time. He needs to be at least 30 days old before that takes place.

In the meantime, they are doing what they can to treat his necrotic leg, but there seems to be no hope of saving it.

With time, his medications were taking effect but the rescuers knew it was only a matter of time before he would have to go through a tough surgery.

After 20 days, Sushi finally opened his eyes. If he wasn’t in pain, he would have this opportunity to enjoy exploring his environment. However, that will have to wait for a while.

The rescuers and the veterinarians are hoping that he will recover against all the odds, and they are are doing their best to help him.

While we don’t know what happens next in Sushi’s story, I sincerely hope that he recovers and finds a wonderful family who will give him a new life. He deserves it.